Winter has always been the kind of season where styling yourself becomes difficult. As soon as the temperature begins to drop, the fashion sense starts going downhill too. But in reality, winter is a perfect time to step up your fashion skills and experiment with your wardrobe. Hats, gloves, mufflers, scarfs, boots; all the things you cannot carry the rest of the year. So let’s get started on all the winter fashion hacks for men.
In case you want to read something else, we also have Winter Fashion Hacks for Women, waiting for you. Anyway, let’s begin!
1. Rolled up Sleeves
If it’s a cool sunny day on a winter morning, you can wear a light colored shirt with sleeves rolled up. It is extraordinarily amazing when guys do that. Or when you want to keep it simple but stylish on an evening date, black shirt with rolled-up sleeves can never let you down.
2. Sweatshirts
On a casual Sunday afternoon or while going to hang out with a friend, you can wear a casual look by putting on a cool sweatshirt. Avoid printed or multiple solid color ones as they neither stand out nor look that great. Go for a single solid color with some text on the front or back, it gives a very sporty look. Carry it with a pair of sneakers to complete the look.
3. Layering is Important
The biggest mistake guys tend to make is not layering properly. Well, make the full use of jackets and overcoats. Try zipping up the jacket midway, to the top or even leave it open sometimes. This gives you three different styles to carry it. It is advised to buy a dark colored jacket so that it goes with all types of innerwear.
4. Leather Jackets for the Win
The hottest and the coolest thing winters let you do is surely leather jackets. You can compromise with cheap accessories or even shirts, but a leather jacket should definitely be a good one. Cheap and good quality leather is easily distinguishable so you can wait for an end of season sale if you don’t want to burn a hole in your pocket. But once you buy a jacket, make sure it is of good quality.
5. Fold your Sweaters
A solid navy blue or a black sweater is more than enough to help you pull off a classy look. You can also buy Christmas sweaters which are famous for the season else solid shades always do the work. One thing to keep a check on is that don’t let your sweaters hang if they are longer than the usual, fold them instead. It enhances the look nevertheless.
6. Tie a Scarf
An ultimate winter accessory is a scarf. It can go only when you are layering. Leave it open or tie it in any of your favorite ways, your call. But you’ll add value to your outfit and look promising than ever. A grey scarf blends perfectly well with a black overcoat!
7. Layer with a Vest
A vest is a great piece of clothing to carry in bearable winters. Put on a shirt and wear a winter vest over it and you’ll look effortlessly dashing. Note not to wear it over sweaters or jackets as it gives a very cringe vibe.
8. Boot Up
Boots are a necessary accessory of winters. Whether it is snowing or just a casual day, you can pair it up when you have to keep a classy look or go out on a date. Formal shoes are best fit for meetings, sneakers for casual hangouts, but the rest of the time, boots will do the work.
9. A Classic Winter Hat
You should have at least one hat in your wardrobe. It can look amazing with an overcoat on superchilled days. It will not only work towards saving you against the weather but help you add another feature to your own list of winter fashion hacks for men.
10. A Denim Jacket
Simply going out for a movie or want to play video games at a friend’s place, put on a denim jacket and you’re good to go. You don’t need to work anything extra on the top because it is so sufficient in itself. It helps you pull off that ideal casual look.
So scale up your style game with these ten tips and have a dashing winter with our winter fashion hacks for men!