More than writing just any type of content such as informative articles, engaging blogs, or even social media messages, posts, to creating memes and engaging videos, everything falls under one umbrella – content. One can classify content into different contextual and tonal categories such as formal, informal, descriptive, narrative, persuasive, explanatory, and more. However, in the content writing industry, a content writer is generally categorized on the basis of one’s creative, academic or industrial outlook, as well as how well versed he or she is with the technicalities of different types of content writing. Content Raj’s Content Writing Training and Development is an initiative with an objective to nurture your all round content writing skills.
With our training scheme, you can understand the fundamental requirements of writing any sort of content, by recognizing and then implementing different methodologies involved, and consequently develop effective content along. To help you learn and gain in-depth knowledge of all sorts of content writing schemes, Content Raj’s personalized training schedule is produced specifically as per your capability. Using our state-of-the-art tools and expertise, we evaluation you on the basis of your prior knowledge of your knowledge, and your ability to visualize your ideas, and transform them into words.
Content Writing Training Parameters
Aiming for Productivity
The main focus of content training and development is to encourage one’s productive capabilities. Allowing you to explore the content arena all by yourself, initially, we constantly encourage your creative freedom to prosper. Prioritizing the importance of your time and efforts, our content writing experts minutely monitor every single write-up. With their constructive feedback, unlike any other content writing training online course, our supervisors ensure that after every single day, you create a better piece of art.
Aiming to create a content kingdom wherein every single content is an amalgamation of intensive information from extensive and reliable sources, we equally emphasize the intent as well as the impact of every word. Content Raj, therefore, consistently serves to develop skills amongst the passionate content writers and make sure that every content from our full-time freelancing content writers and interns is unique, reliable, impactful and therefore, productive. Basically, with the help of all the parameters involved in Content Writing Training, you learn performance content development techniques from Content Raj’s content writing experts.
Importance of Search Engine Optimization Integration
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most necessary part of digital marketing. SEO keyword research informs the relevance of specific keywords for both the audience as well as for a better search engines ranking (SER). With proper SEO content strategy, every write-up contributes to generating traffic without which any website content writing is nothing but some bunch of words out there in the vast internet-space. We, at Content Raj, with our training and development scheme, ensure that you learn the intricacies of SEO content writing and various optimization techniques. We help you learn all the Do’s and Don’ts of SEO content to empower your content writing skills.
Building Audience Interaction
During freelance content writing training, the first and foremost thing we emphasize on is to help you understand various techniques to interact with the audience through your content. Further, we nurture your creativity and the specific skill sets that you already possess. And during that process, our Content Raj’s content writing expert trainers instruct all the writers to reach out to their targeted audience as well as efficiently maintain a long-term relationship with them.
How are the Content Writing Internships Conducted?
In the digital market, content marketing is a fundamental requirement, and with appropriate website content, Press Releases, and social media, engaging content always attracts readers to acknowledge the company, which plays a vital role in lead generation for any business. So, right from emerging entrepreneurs, agencies to well-established enterprises, all want to hire prolific content writers holding the first-hand experience of teamwork and operations. So, unlike any other content training scheme, Content Raj’s unique online content writing training and development project ensures that you are able to learn all the components involved in content writing.
Selection Procedure
To enroll, writers need to go through a special selection procedure consisting of just two rounds. In the initial selection round, you are supposed to submit an article on a specific topic provided. The write-up must be well-formatted, SEO-friendly and plagiarism-free. As soon as your content is approved, our experts contact you via call, and post-consultation, your personalized content training plan is drafted.
There are several free online hosts who invite such content writing internship applications and you are sure to grab a handy one after this online training and development program.
Benefits of Content Training and Development Program
We understand the value of your passion for writing, and our talent development plan is just a stairway for you to attain your personal objectives. We are proud to state that every single writer at Content Raj carries a strong grasp of vocabulary, possesses influential thinking ability within a creative soul and a heart appreciating his or her recognized individuality.
Post-training, if you continue with Content Raj, we ensure that as per your developed skills, you get the best clients to cater to according to your expertise. Furthermore, there is no entanglement or any binding contract, and no hidden terms and conditions involved in our professional relationship. This way, during your training as well as after that, you are able to work, learn and earn without any penalty, and you get to be your own boss! Also, we can go for a couple of beers if you are eligible!
Our online content writing training and development program launches you as a well prepared and developed full-time content writer to explore your domains such as a technical writer, fiction writer, academic writer, website content writer, SEO content writer, or any other domain, as per your interest. We believe in the passion you have for being a content writer and we put all the efforts to hone this talent to help you achieve your true potential and beyond. For the record, we are already excited to know what you feel about us!
For any further assistance, feel free to connect with us by calling us or by sending us a mail at info@contentraj.com, or you can also fill our ‘Contact Form’!
Oh, one more thing – Welcome to Content Raj!