If you are a frequent visitor of WordPress, then I am positive that you have heard of the advantages that plugins give you in enhancing the functionality of your site. From this pool of plugins comes the ‘Widget Logic’ plugin and it is definitely a must-have! This powerful plugin gives you the pilot seat and follows the simple logic of letting you control where widgets should be placed and where it should not. ‘Widget Logic’ is a crowd favourite, and you would be a part of that crowd too once you start using this plugin.
Take Control with Widget Logic
Who doesn’t love to be in control? ‘Widget Logic’ gives you the upper hand and lets you make the choices of whether a widget appears or not on your WordPress sidebar.
Import or Export?
Conditional tags that this plugin provides enables you to make a static front page, prevent advertisements from showing up and even widgets to appear only in categorical posts of your preference.
Undo the Spell
The negation command or the ‘!’, gives you the power to reverse your already said command, and do the exact opposite of what you have already stated.
Free Knowledge
To add the mentioned codes, you might have to have prior knowledge of PHP or coding. If you don’t, then fear not because this also serves as a platform to master these skills.
Service Before Self
When you download this plugin, you will also be simultaneously given an option to donate to Cancer Research UK. In addition to gaining yourself a favour, you might also be saving a life. There has never been any harm in supporting a good cause.
If you don’t keep up with the pace of technology, you will be missing out on a lot of great features that come and go and Widget Logic is definitely one of them. I’d suggest you quickly get this plugin and start customizing your WordPress sidebars soon. If I were you, I wouldn’t miss a chance at downloading ‘Widget Logic’. So, what are you waiting for?