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The Transition from Traditional to Online Video Games


Sitting with your loved ones and playing a game of carom or cards was once the norm. However, as time did its thing this changed from cards to scrabble to video games!

While board games evolved too in order to stay relevant, such as Monopoly, Cards of Humanity and more, video games still managed to create their own loyal market. To such an extent that board games such as chess, scrabble, etc. themselves made their digital versions available to keep their markets hooked.

Given that the growth of the video game industry is purely exponential, digitization of board games did not come as a surprise.

How and Why Did We Evolve?

This growth can be attributed to the fact that video games are not restricted to a certain demographic or geographic. There are enough varieties to lure and hook every age and gender. For instance, Candy crush addiction continues in the middle-age segment while the pre-teens and teens continue to get newer and more addictive games like PUBG!

Candy Crush

In addition, video games, unlike board games get regular updates as per the changing trends/market requirements. Take Subway Surfer, for instance, the developers keep adding new locations as per their changing demographics to keep them interested.

Thanks to the innovation and creativity video games facilitate, the video game industry has evolved beyond our wildest dreams. The growth can be seen in all aspects of the industry right from its market-size to the revenue generated to the improvement in graphics!

From having two oddly-shaped Italian brothers trying to save the princess (still love the game!) to having games like PUBG which enable multiple players sitting in different parts of the world to play together with graphics that seem too real video games have come a long way.


The graphics of games, the consoles or accessories we use to play video games have been constantly improving. Advances in virtual reality technology have even made some of us dream of one day playing in a video game itself or maybe not. Moreover, their popularity has also led to the growth of gaming scan sites.

So why do so many people play video games?

Given the varying needs video games serve, the gaming industry created a lot of jobs and enabled people to transcend their art into money.  

Some Problems…

While video games are constantly improvising, there are certain problem areas that will hopefully be worked on in the near future:

•    Hope it is worth it!

Trying a new video game is a gamble. While the title may look promising the gameplay can be disappointing at best. This can be harmless in free mobile games but can be frustrating when spending thousands of bucks for playing on your PS or X-box.

Furthermore, a middle-class earner can certainly bid goodbye to his or her savings to play the same games on a RAZER BLADE!

•    Do You Have The Budget?

Playing video games can be an expensive hobby if you want to play it using the Ultimate PlayStation Gaming Setup.

For instance, a normal laser computer mouse with 1000dpi (dots per inch – this number is directly proportional to the movement of your mouse on the monitor, a higher dpi number means better control on your mouse movement) is no match to a gaming-grade PC mouse with three to four times higher dpi number.

Given the investment involved in terms of time and/or money, we urge you to do thorough research before you head to buy a new game or pick up gaming as a hobby. Don’t get us wrong, we stand by the fact this is as rewarding as a hobby can get- but only if done right!

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